The Scandinavians seem to have it down when it comes to appreciating the finer things in life, so who better to take inspiration from when trying to start your day off on the right foot? Take a look as these five simple ways to add more hygge into your morning routine.
Wake up gently
Bright lights, noisy neighbors and blaring alarms first thing = definitely un-hygge! To help take the edge off of getting out of bed, try setting an alarm with a gentler, more relaxing sound five minutes earlier than your usual one. Open the curtains instead of turning on the overhead light and use a refreshing cleanser to wake up and hydrate your skin.
Keep your morning simple
Sure, oversleeping has a nasty habit of making us late for work, but getting up early doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to have a productive morning. To hit the right morning balance (while maximizing your sleep time) it’s essential to keep your morning routine as streamlined as possible. The pile of dishes from last night? They can wait until the evening. Ten unread emails? Check them in the office. Your only morning goal should be to make getting out the door as stress-free as possible.
No to multi-tasking
You may be an expert multi-tasker when it comes to getting things done in the office, but it’s time to initiate a golden rule first thing in the a.m. - saying no to multi-tasking. Prepare as much of your stuff as you can the night before - lunch, workout gear, makeup bag - so that once you’re up, you’re able to take things one at a time like carrying out your morning skincare routine without checking your phone. After all, your home is your base, not a cannon you get fired out of every morning!
Eat a proper breakfast
We all know how important a healthy breakfast is to starting your day off properly, so don’t skip it! Make your first meal of the day a nutritious one, and really take the time to enjoy preparing and eating your food. You are what you eat, so spending that extra fifteen minutes in the kitchen with a hot drink and nourishing breakfast is a wise investment in keeping your skin healthy and acne-free.
Wrap up warm
Warm, welcoming textures are a central part of the hygge lifestyle - and not just for home. You’d be surprised how much dressing comfortably, while remaining office-appropriate, can have a positive impact on your mood. Opt for natural, breathable fabrics (cotton, linen, wool), and layer looser or lighter pieces. This will help to regulate your body temperature - ideal if you spend much of your commute riding in notoriously uncomfortable public transport - as well as feeling far less restrictive.