With menopause, various parts of your body get a little more fragile, hence, a little more susceptible to attacks from the outside, and from within. As usual, your skin is first on the line, so go big on the sunscreen, don’t hesitate.
Skin changes during menopause make it more vulnerable to cancer
Skin cancer is the most common malignancy, with more than 1 million new cases each year in the United States. We’ve known for quite some time now that sun exposure plays a crucial part in all this. Sun exposure being something you can more or less manage, go on and manage it please!
Clinical findings may suggest that estrogen could be involved in the development of skin cancer as estrogen receptors are present on skin keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are cells that make up 90% of the surface layer of the skin).
Clinical trials revealed that oral contraception and menopause hormone therapy decrease acne and signs of aging skin, whereas some of them found an association between oral contraception and an increased risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer. So, be careful what you mix up okay?
Simple skin cancer prevention tips
As the risk of cancer (including skin cancer) becomes higher with age it is advised to pay greater attention to your health, the sooner, the better. Regular self-examination and dermoscopy at your dermatologist’s office provides quick identification and excision of suspicious lesions. This is the moment where you pick up your phone to make an appointment. Go on!
Major causes of skin cancer are sun exposure, history of sunburns, family history of skin cancer, and skin type.
As always but even more now; it’s advised to start using broad-spectrum sunscreens regularly and always reapply. Use these with SPF 30-50 on all exposed areas not covered by clothes.
Key elements to remember about skin cancer and menopause
Your skin changes during menopause, losing its ability to protect itself due to the variation of estrogen levels and sometimes because of genetics, so pay extra attention to your skin and give it a little help with:
- proper sun protection
- regular visits to your dermatologist! Have your specialist check your moles and the rest of your skin at least once every year like recommended by dermatologists associations all around the world.